Nov 26, 2021Liked by Caroline Furlong

I see this kind of thing in all sorts of literature--the only kind of Christian clergyman liked by modern writers and publishers is one that's having a crisis of faith. The one who goes about his business of mercy and education is considered an idiot--because only an idiot wouldn't question his faith, right? Show me an English novel with a vicar and I'll show you a novel with someone who claims to be questioning a faith he actually knows nothing about.

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Nightcrawler is a symptom of their SJW spread. The X-Men is only about Identity politics, and they're obviously all Magneto now. Which is funny, since he's so much of a Nazi it wasn't even subtle about it. Now the SJWs have become what they claim to hate, and it's so obvious in their execution that everyone can see it but the content creators -- because it's not hate when they do it, obviously.

Why should they care about Kurt's faith? It's not like they care about anything else about the X-Men. The comic that was all about being accepted by society and changing the hearts and minds of people who "are afraid of what they don't understand" has turned into a comic about the ubermensch setting themselves up as being morally and biologically superior. Beast has become Doctor Mengele, using science to enslave creatures to his will. Cyclops was the first to become Magneto.

This isn't X-Men, they're the mirror universe version of the X-Men.

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